07 November 2023 Tuesday


tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 7, 8

Opening Ceremony of Metal-Expo’2023, the 29th International Industrial Exhibition

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Blue Hall
Hall 2

Zinc for corrosion protection, The 24th Scientific and Practical Seminar

Zinc Development Center 
tel.: +7 (495) 772-07-39
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Metallurgist Dialogue: The topical issues, features and prospectives for the use of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies in metallurgy and heavy industry, International Forum.

MISiS / Alliance metallurgy corporation 
Discussion room
hall 3

Reservoir Building: Problems, Solutions, Innovations, The 6d-Internatioanl Conference

tel.: +7 (925) 200-89-83
Discussion room
hall 8

Discussions and interviews at the «Severstal» stand in the studio “Vmeste”

Stand 21B21

Meeting of Coordination Council for the Steel Industry by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
By invitation only

Corrugated Beams: Market Structure and Trends, International Conference

tel.: +7 (925) 200-89-83
Discussion room
hall 8

Industrial advertisement today: myths and reality, Round table

Severstal / MS&S 
tel: (495) 734-99-22
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Meeting of the Foundry and Forging and Pressing Committee of the Metallurgy and Heavy Engineering Committee of "The union of machine engineers of Russia"

Foundry and Forging Committee 
tel.: +7 (904) 362-55-83
Discussion room
hall 3

08 November 2023 Wednesday

Metal-Expo’2023 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 7, 8

Welding, Thermal Cutting and Protective Coatings in Steel Industry and Metalworking, Scientific and Practical Conference

Chief Welders' Association 
tel.: (496) 575-30-60
Discussion room
hall 3

Meeting of Working Group on Mastering New Types of Products and Improving Quality of Steel Products for the Automotive Industry

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / TsNIIChermet / KAMAZ / Association “Russian Steel” 
tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01 / tel.: +7 (495) 784-69-61
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Full Life-Cycle Effects are the New Priority in the Creation of Strategic Infrastructure, Foresight-Session

MISiS / Ural Steel 
Seminar room 5, hall 2

Innovative materials in the production of lubricants and cutting fluids, Scientific and Technical Seminar

tel.: +7 (911) 966-99-69
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Meeting - roundtable of manufacturers of galvanized and pre-painted steel products

tel.: (495) 925-05-49 / tel.: (495) 744-02-63
Discussion room
hall 8

Meeting of the Expert Council on Metallurgy, Heavy Machinery and Mining under the State Duma Committee on Industry and Trade

State Duma Committee on Industry and Trade 
tel.: +7(495) 784-69-61
By invitation only

Examples and opportunities for successful import substitution in greases and lubricants, roundtable

tel.: +7 (911) 966-99-69
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Discussions and interviews at the «Severstal» stand in the studio “Vmeste”

Stand 21B21

Updating of the Regulatory Documents of Steel Reinforcing Bars, Roundtable

TK375 PK4 
tel.: +7 (965) 277-21-03
By invitation only

Round Table for installation organization, metallurgists, steel construction customers

tel.: (495) 744-02-63
Congress Centre,
SkyLight hall

Meeting of Committee for the Ferrous Industry and Heavy Engineering

TsNIIChermet / RAS 
tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Digital ecosystem of sales in metallurgy, roundtable

Fakt / 1C-Bitrix 
tel.: +7 (495) 134-25-25
Meeting room,
hall 8

Meeting of Committee for the Ferrous Industry and Heavy Engineering

tel.: (3519) 49-55-80
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Awarding winners of The Metal-Vision’2023 contest

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Discussion room
hall 3

Annual Granting TMK Partners Official Dealers Certificates

tel.: +7 (495) 775-76-00
By invitation only

09 November 2023 Thursday

Metal-Expo’2023 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 7, 8

New Promising Materials, Equipment and Solutions, the 22st Scientific and Practical Conference

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / VNIIMETMASH / TsNIIChermet / Metallurgmash / TSNIITMASH 
tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01
Meeting room,
hall 8

New Trends in Efficient Use of Secondary Resources and Environmental Problems, conference

Discussion room
hall 3

Discussions and interviews at the «Severstal» stand in the studio “Vmeste”

Stand 21B21

The expansion usage of steel in construction within the framework of strategic interaction of SCDA with the industrial professional communities, roundtable

tel.: (495) 744-02-63
Discussion room
hall 8

Roundtable of Non-Ferrous Rolled Products Suppliers and Users

tel.: (495) 925-05-49
Discussion room
hall 8

Cooperation with Overseas Suppliers in Modern Times, roundtable

CherMet Corporation 
tel.: +7 (495) 784-71-29
By invitation only

The Iron Way: Steel trade between China and Russia, round table

tel.: +7 (495) 008-25-76
Discussion room
hall 3

New types of rebar for the construction industry with the modern requirements, Conference for developers

tel.: +7 (965) 277-21-03
By invitation only

Sessions of the Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises Association “Russian Steel” and refractory products manufactures on the development of the Russian Federation refractory industry.

Association “Russian Steel” 
tel.: +7 (495) 784-69-61
By invitation only

Corporate Communication in the Russian and the CIS Steel Industries’2023, Conference; awarding winners of Competition for The Best Corporate Publication in the Steel Industry’2023

MS&S / Metal-Expo 
tel: (495) 734-99-22 / tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Awarding steel companies, enterprises, and institutions Metal-Expo gold and silver medals for:
- High-tech Solutions to Equipment, Technologies, and Ferrous and Non-ferrous Products Manufacture
- The Best Solution to Implementation of Steel and Aluminium in Construction
- The Best Scientific Publication in Steel Industry

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Meeting room,
hall 8

Russian Pyramid, VIP-tournament for Heads and Top-Managers of Steel Companies

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
By invitation only

10 November 2023 Friday

Metal-Expo’2023 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 7, 8

Roundtable for Marketing Professionals from Steel and Metal Trading Companies

tel.: (495) 925-05-49
Discussion room
hall 8

Future is Laid Today, summit of students and post-graduates of industry-specific institutions Awarding winners of Young Scientists contest

GUU / MISiS / MGTU / Metallurgmash / Metal-Expo / MOS.POLYTECH 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Discussion room
hall 3

Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing, Zinc Paints, Zinc Powder for Corrosion Protection, roundtable

Zinc Development Center 
tel.: +7 (495) 772-07-39
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Awarding winners of contest for The Best Internet-Project 2023 among Russian and the CIS Steel Producers and Traders

tel: (495) 734-99-22
Discussion room
hall 8

Metalland, Quiz Game Show

tel: +7 (846) 270-48-16
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Awarding winners of Metal-Expo'2023 in nomination for The Best Exposition

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Blue Hall
Hall 2

Official closing of Metal-Expo'2023

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 7, 8